Alce Nero
In 2019, the well-known Italian brand of organic products undertook a major project to enhance e-commerce logistics. Purpose: to make all processes more efficient, to optimize the management of spaces and resources as well as, far from a secondary factor, to provide a better service to its customers. The project, very profound and pervasive, has transformed the online sales structure, making it aligned with growing order volumes (even before the pandemic) and with the need to break down all forms of inefficiency such as the excessive movement of goods between warehouses, the separation by sales channel and the continuous movements of lots.
Stesi has supported Alce Nero in optimizing logistics flows and developing a perfect synergy between the B2B and B2C channels, which, unlike in the past, are now entrusted to a single management: silwa. The supervisor, coordinated with the logistics resources and the field terminals on the Android platform, has resulted in an increase in the efficiency of the structure, acceleration of the lead time and also better management of the spaces, given that the sales channels are now managed in a synergistic and integrated. All this has allowed Alce Nero not only to manage larger order volumes and obtain optimal service levels, but also to enable a truly omni-channel approach.